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in Report bugs/errors by Baran (120 points)

I am examining the moderating role of transformational leadership style (TLS) in the relationship between knowledge sharing (KS) and innovative work behavior (IWB). For this purpose, I have adopted a 25 items questioner, and I have received 250 responses.

in the SPSS 23 analysis, I run the "linear regression" to test the impact of moderating variables in the relationship between DV and IV. as a result in the "Coefficient" table shows a negative value of "-1.303" for "Beta Standard Coefficient" while the P-value is .000 "significant". (Photo attached in the below)

So, my question is: How can I get a positive value for "beta"? also which one of the variables needs to be corrected?

Thank you.

1 Answer

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by johnny (3.3k points)
This is not really related to power analysis. But to answer your question, the result showed that TLS was actually a moderator here. The coefficient could be positive, negative or even 0. You don't have to get a positive coefficient to conclude the moderation effect.